Spiritual Companionship
Let Us Journey With You
Do you wish to deepen your spiritual journey? Would you like to integrate your spiritual insights into your life choices? How is spirit present in your daily life?
Meeting regularly with a professionally trained Spiritual Companion can help you expand your spiritual life experiences.
What is Spiritual Companionship (Direction)?
Spiritual Companionship, also known as Spiritual Direction, is a process of deepening a person's spirituality, one’s relationship to the Divine, to God. A Spiritual Companion accompanies you on your spiritual journey, exploring the many ways your relationship with the Sacred is experienced in your life. In accompanying you on your spiritual journey, your companion will help you explore your spirituality, including; your emotions and interpersonal relationships, your connection to others and creation, the deepest desires and longings of your heart, and the depths of God and the vastness of the cosmos.
Spiritual companionship is more accurately a ministry of listening, guiding, and supporting rather than directing people. It provides a safe, confidential space in which a person can explore God’s invitation to a deeper relationship. The primary focus is recognizing God at the heart of daily life.
In Spiritual Companionship a trained "guide" or "mentor" helps a spiritual “seeker” to recognize, name, reflect upon, and respond to their experience of the Divine in everyday life as well as in extraordinary moments of joy, pain, loss or trauma.
Spiritual Life Center, https://spiritlifectr.org/what-is-spiritual-direction
Am I a good candidate for Spiritual Companionship?
Spiritual Companionship finds its roots in most religious traditions. As such, it is an ancient tradition. It serves and embraces people of all faiths and walks of life. Everyone is welcome to experience the benefits of Spiritual Companionship. All that is required is a heart willing to explore the work of the Divine in your life through discussion, prayer and reflection upon life’s experiences.
What is a Spiritual Companioning session like?
A typical monthly spiritual companionship session involves the seeker bringing the stories of their journey and/or any life experiences to share and reflect on. The companion listens deeply to the seeker’s story and helps them reflect on the subtle movements of the Spirit in their journey. Spiritual companioning is not therapy. The goal of this relationship is for the seeker to gain greater consciousness of and participation with the Divine in the events of life in order to grow in love, compassion, freedom, and service. As such, the spiritual companionship relationship is built on trust and is confidential.
Spiritual companionship assists in:
Growth in one’s reliance upon the Divine in everyday life
An increasing practice of compassion, mercy and justice
Growth in self-knowledge
Greater connection with the inner-self and the outer world
Discernment in decision-making
A deepening experience and awareness of the Divine
Living and responding in ways that are healing for all creation
An integration of faith with all of life
Spiritual Life Center, https://spiritlifectr.org/what-is-spiritual-direction
How much does Spiritual Companionship cost?
The suggested offering is between $50 and $100 per session, but no one will be turned away for financial reasons. Give what you can afford - all offerings are gratefully accepted.
Meet with us in person, or virtually (Zoom).
For more information about Spiritual Companioning and how to get started, contact
Joseph Krans
Other Resources on Spiritual Companionship
SDI is an inclusive, global learning community of people from many faiths and many nations who share a common passion and commitment to the art and contemplative practice spiritual companionship, and spiritual guidance. Since its inception, SDI has served this community through educational events, publications, and outreach programs, helping people connect with one another and with the Sacred. Their mission is to tend the holy around the world and across traditions.
Spiritual directors or companions support the unique spiritual journey of every individual. They are welcoming and present with those they companion, listening and responding without being judgmental. They are contemplative and honor silence as a spiritual practice. They are intuitive spiritual friends — accountable and compassionate, hospitable and open, loving yet independent.
After five years of study and three drafts, the Ethical Task Force of SDI completed their work. Their task was monumental: to write ethical guidelines for a community of spiritual companions/directors whose memberships span the globe, embracing a wide range of denominational affiliations, faith traditions, and theologies. The product of their prayer, reflection, and discernment is the booklet called the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct.
West Hartford CT
The Spiritual Life Center is a mission-focused organization established to enhance the lives of those seeking meaning and purpose in life. "The vision of a world where people are spiritually awake and engaged drives our every action."
West Springfield MA
Genesis provides an open atmosphere of hospitality and inclusiveness, welcoming persons of all faiths, spiritual paths, and backgrounds. "Offering hope and healing to all that ask, seek, and knock."
© 2025 Living the Way - Presence Work